The Need For Implementation Of An Automatic Drainage Cleaning System

Table of Contents

An introduction

What’s happening now?

Why a smart drainage is essential?


Literature survey

To sum up,

An introduction

Underground drainage systems are an essential part of the urban infrastructure. The underground drainage system is considered to be the lifeline of the city. In large cities, the underground drainage system is mostly managed manually. Government personnel has difficulty locating exactly which manhole is facing. Flash flooding is an issue that has been exacerbated by urbanization. All civilizations that have been successful throughout history developed efficient drainage systems. Diverting rainwater and waste water from diking to crops for agriculture. Drainage water can contaminate pure water if it is not managed properly. This could lead to the spread of infection and diseases. It is common for drainage to become blocked during the rainy season. This can cause problems in everyday life, such as traffic jams and a dirty environment. Many blocked drains cause sewage to backup and come onto your property. Determining a way to manage underground drainage that does not require human interaction is crucial. Underground drainage includes a sewerage network, gas pipelines, water pipes, and manholes. Drainage system today is not very high-tech. The exact location is often difficult to find when there’s a problem. The blockage is not detected early. It is therefore time-consuming to detect and fix the blockage. The failure of the drainage system causes many problems. We have developed an IoT-based automated drainage system that can clear blockages. Its main proposal is to use flow sensors to detect flow variations, to get prior alerts about blockages and to locate them using IOT. GPS tracking and SMS are also included.

What has happened? Increased urbanization and sudden rain have caused more flash flooding. Smart drainage systems are designed to mimic natural systems, which use low-impact solutions that have a low cost to drain dirty waste water. This is in order to combat the traditional drainage system which often leads to flooding and environmental contamination. All civilisations that have been successful throughout history developed efficient drainage systems to divert both rainwater and waste water from drinking water.

Why is smart drainage system essential? Municipal Corporations are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, safety and security in cities. Infectious diseases can spread if the drainage system isn’t properly managed. It is common for drainage to become blocked in the rainy seasons. This can cause problems with everyday life, such as traffic jams, dirty environment and public dissatisfaction.

Blocked drains are often the cause of sewage and wastewater backing up, and even coming up on to your property.

The sensor detects if drainage is blocked or if water overflows and transmits this information to the concerned persons via a transmitter. The environment in manholes is not conducive to human maintenance.

It is difficult to determine if someone has gotten into the manhole. Urban residents need a drainage system to reduce flooding.

Poor maintenance of drainage systems causes suffering to many.

Problems The drainage systems of today are not high-tech. When there’s a blockage, it’s difficult to find the exact spot. The blockage is not detected early. Determining and fixing the blockage takes time. When the pipes become completely blocked, handling the situation is a very uncomfortable task. People face many problems due to the failure of drainage lines. This system offers:

Location detection

The system controlling the flow of sewerage from pipes.

Use of flow sensor to detect variations in flow.

IOT allows for the location of blocked areas and prior notification. GPS location tracking and SMS via GSM.

R. Sathiyakala (2016), a literature survey, stated that mechanical drain cleaners can replace manual cleaning of drainage systems. Drainage pipes are dirty. It can sometimes be harmful to the human body when cleaning drains is needed. To overcome this issue, they implemented an automated semi-mechanical drainage water cleaning system. With the help of this project, the water flow became more efficient.

Mhael Okpara (2014) examined drainage cleaning and how to automate the process because manual cleaning is dangerous for life, and it takes too much time. They also implemented an “automatic drainage monitoring and control system using SCADA”. This project uses an efficient method to regulate the disposal of waste regularly. International Journal of Science Technology Management and Research Today’s modern time offers a wide range of technological advances. Cleaning is also a crucial part of the process. Our Smart Cleaning System, for example, can do the cleaning of the house without any problems and prevent the mosquitoes from breeding in the sewage. By the way, illnesses like influenza, intestinal illness, and so on are kept away.

In the absence of certain variables such as strong winds, it was discovered that the propeller moved in a manner proportional to water velocity. The cleaner worked well during heavy rains with high-speed water and more garbage. The pan worked well. The pan moved in a manner that was proportional to the speed of the water flowing and the propeller’s rate. The machine uses shaft couplings and gear changing standards to design and produce the depleted squander cleaner. It is mainly composed of a DC-adapted engine, shafts and squander removal plates, clean container and heading. The use of mechanical, PC-based and electronic systems to control and work on generation is called mechanization. This system is used for automatic sewage equipment. This project can be made with all the available resources, including money, materials, and machines. Using the resources available, we also incorporated the entire time study and created a project that is both efficient and economical. This framework has been designed, manufactured and also tested. It is working satisfactorily. This is the best and most compatible solution.

Journal of the American Water Resources Association Journal of the American Water Resources Association the phrase flashiness is used to describe the rapidity of the short-term fluctuations in stream flow. This occurs most often during runoff. Flashiness plays a major role in a stream’s overall hydrologic system. Diverse land-use and land-management changes can increase or decrease flashiness. These changes are often to the detriment aquatic life. This paper presents an index of flashiness based on daily mean flows. The index is calculated using the total discharge for the time interval divided by the path lengths of oscillations. This index shows low variability between the years, compared to other flow regime indicators. It is therefore more sensitive to trends. The index values for 515 Midwestern rivers were calculated over a 27-year span from 1975 to 2001. The study found that statistically significant increases in 22 percent were observed, mostly in eastern portions of the study region, and decreases in 9 percent. Index values tend toward decreasing as watershed size and groundwater inputs increase. Index values that are area compensated often change at the boundaries of eco regions. Indexes can be used to evaluate programs that restore natural flow regimes. The machine for cleaning squander is designed using shaft coupling and gear-changing standard. It comprises a DC adapted motor, shafts with squander plates, a container for clean water, sprockets, chains and headings.

The use of mechanical, PC-based and electronic frameworks for working and controlling generation is called mechanization. This system is used for automatic sewage equipment. This project can be made with all the available resources, including money, materials, machines and men. We have also taken into account the time-flow and our project has been made to be efficient and temperate with the available resources. This framework has been designed, manufactured and also tested. It is working satisfactorily. We hope that it will remain among the most compatible and flexible even in years to come.

Bharat K. (2002, p. 16) said that the mechanization of control generation is a new innovation. He uses a mechanical, electronic and computer-based framework. This was the framework used to run automatic sewage equipment. This project is possible to create with men, machinery, materials, and money. We have also taken into account the time and temperature of our project and used the available resources.

Conclusion After a thorough review of the literature, we can conclude that many empirical studies were conducted and that categories like automatic drainage cleaning systems and their automation had been thoroughly studied. Our focus is on the drainage. The motor, chain drive, lifter and lifting device are used to control the drainage waste water in the system. This allows automatic control of the sewage treatment. Automation is the use of mechanical, computer-based and electronic systems to control and operate production. This technology has been applied to our sewage-cleaning system. We have also studied time and motion in depth and optimized our project with the resources available. Solar energy is used to make the system more effective.


  • rubywatson

    I am a 27-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love writing and sharing knowledge with others. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving our goals. I also believe that it's important to give back to the community and volunteer my time to help others.

rubywatson Written by:

I am a 27-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love writing and sharing knowledge with others. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving our goals. I also believe that it's important to give back to the community and volunteer my time to help others.

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