Reflection On Max Weber’s Theory Of Bureaucracy

Action. It’s always a mystery to me why people act like this. Are there any special reasons for such behavior? After having read Weber’s theories, I felt that I had some new ideas.

Weber believes that the actions of people can be predicted and subjective. Weber identified three types of rationality that underlie people’s actions. Practical rationality means that we accomplish the goal in a most efficient manner. The second type is Substantive logic, which indicates that our actions follow a certain value. The third is Formal reasoning. This means that we choose the most efficient route, but not in restrictions or rules. KMB bus: I could get two dollars back in the KMB-machine located on main campus. I would also like to use McDonald’s, a fast-food restaurant located near me. McDonald’s offers a discount coupon and thirty dollars for those who have less money. Substantive reason is, as I stated, there is value that drives your actions. McDonald’s social obligation is closely connected to environmental protection. For Formal reasoning, we would prefer McDonald’s to Burger King due to the McDonald’s discount coupon. This is because McDonald’s is cheaper than Burger King. Rationalization is where people follow clear rules and regulations. This means that errors might not be as apparent because the rule is safe. Also, hierarchically-organized office exists in bureaucracy system, emphasized control from top to bottom in the form of hierarchy, it is convenient to diffuse the power for the inferior subordinate heads or superior. The rationalization of emotion would result in its elimination. Weber also spoke of two mutually supporting forces, Bureaucracy (Capitalism) and Bureaucracy (which Weber has discussed). When bureaucracy or capitalism emphasize precise calculation of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and impersonal rules, it will accelerate the increase in rationalization.

Weber has not yet spoken about tensions in rationalization. Red tape, which many critics find problematic, is Weber’s main problem. Workers must follow many laws and rules to complete their work. This means that it takes longer, or is it insufficient, to complete it. Weber also proposed iron cage. Iron cage is a system that traps people in a few aspects, such as teleological efficacy, reasonable calculations and controls. The iron cage made me think about the fact that if something rationalizes, subjects may no longer be subject to change and people would be open to new ideas. There is no creation. This is my view of capitalism and not bureaucracy.


  • rubywatson

    I am a 27-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love writing and sharing knowledge with others. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving our goals. I also believe that it's important to give back to the community and volunteer my time to help others.

rubywatson Written by:

I am a 27-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. I love writing and sharing knowledge with others. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and achieving our goals. I also believe that it's important to give back to the community and volunteer my time to help others.

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